State Council of Higher Education for Virginia- Correspondence and Reports
RU 3.2.2

 Academic Affairs

Summary Information

McConnell Library Archives and Special Collections
State Council of Higher Education for Virginia- Correspondence and Reports
RU 3.2.2
Date [bulk]
Bulk, 1972-1985
Date [inclusive]
4.5 Linear feet
Physical Description
Contains reports, papers, correspondence and other documents.
Located in locked compact shelving, shelf 19-C, level 1.
Contains reports and correspondence relating to Radford College and Radford University and the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV). Materials cover 1968-1988, with the majority of material from 1972-1985.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Academic Affairs, RU 3.2.2, Radford University Archives, McConnell Library, Radford University, Radford, VA.

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Administrative Information

Publication Information

McConnell Library Archives and Special Collections

McConnell Library
PO Box 6881
Radford, Virginia

Restictions to Access

An appointment for research is required. The collection is open for research. No interlibrary loan.

Accruals Note

More materials are expected.

Processing Information

Physical processing by Ian Carlow, finding aid by Ashley Tussey, Fall 2011. Additional materials processed by Wes Hess, February 2013.

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Collection Inventory

Box 1: SCHEV reports 

Folder 1: SCHEV- Higher Education Issues 

Folder 2: Higher Education Issues 

Folder 3: Legislation and Regulations for Out-of-State Institutions Operating in Virginia 

Folder 4: SCHEV- Liberal Arts and Sciences Conference; December 13-14, 1984; Marriot Hotel 

Folder 5: SCHEV- Liberal Arts and Sciences Conference 

Folder 6: SCHEV- Program Approvals and Disapprovals 

Folder 7: SCHEV- Policies and Procedures Relating to Institutional Requests for Organizational Changes 

Folder 8: SCHEV- Mission Explication Commitee 

Folder 9: SCHEV- Program Inventory 

Folder 10: SCHEV- Policies and Procedures for Performance Criteria System of Program Review 

Folder 11: SCHEV- Privacy Protection Act of 1976 

Folder 12: SCHEV- Proposed Requirements for Program of Study Leading to M.A. Degree 

Folder 13: SCHEV- Proposals/Grants 

Folder 14: SCHEV- Recruitment with Black Faculty Members 

Folder: 15 SCHEV- Reports on Higher Education 

Folder 16: SCHEV- Joint Task Force on Remediation 

Folder 17: SCHEV- Research Activities in Virginia Public Institutions of Higher Education 

Folder 18: SCHEV- Research Notes 

Folder 19: SCHEV- Retention Data 

Folder 20: SCHEV- Salary Authorization Procedure 

Folder 21: SCHEV- Salary Averaging Purposes: Peer Group 

Folder 22: SCHEV- Peer Advising Program 

Folder 23: SCHEV- Audit of Productivity 

Box 2: SCHEV reports 

Folder 1: SCHEV- State Approved Teacher Preparation Programs in Virginia Colleges and Universities: August, 1973 

Folder 2: SCHEV- State Board of Education Visitation May 3, 4, 5, 1971 

Folder 3: SCHEV- Reapproval Visit for Approved Programs, State Board of Education 1975-1976 

Folder 4: SCHEV- Approved Programs- Follow-up Report, State Board of Education 

Folder 5: SCHEV- IPAC- Regulations for Institutional Approval 

Folder 6: SCHEV- Self-Study, Business 

Folder 7: SCHEV- Service Learning Internship Conference; October 21-23, 1974 University of Virginia 

Folder 8: SCHEV- Draft Six Year Curricular Plan; July, 1981 

Folder 9: SCHEV- Policies and Procedures for Six Year Curricular Plans 

Folder 10: SCHEV- Six Year Curricular Plan Senior Institutions 

Folder 11: SCHEV- Requirements for Admission to Graduate Program and Candidacy for M.S. Degree 

Folder 12: SCHEV- St. Leo College 

Box 3: SCHEV reports 

Folder 1: SCHEV- Austin Peay State University Reaffirmation Committee April 1-4, 1984 

Folder 2: SCHEV- Accreditation Agencies 

Folder 3: Chamber of Commerce 

Folder 4: Chamber of Commerce, Dr. David Moore 

Folder 5: SCHEV- Development 

Folder 6: SCHEV- State Board Visitation May 13, 14, 15, 1974; Graduate Programs 

Folder 7: SCHEV- State Board of Education, Study Abroad Program 

Folder 8: SCHEV- Graduate Approved Programs 

Folder 9: 1970 NASDTEC Interstate Teacher Certification System 

Folder 10: SCHEV- Teacher Supply and Demand in Public Schools; 1975; Wayland Jones 

Folder 11: SCHEV- School Psychology 

Folder 12: SCHEV- Certification Regulations for Teachers 

Box 4: SCHEV reports 

Folder 1: SCHEV- Virginia Advisory Committee on Teacher Education 

Folder 2: SCHEV- Virginia Advisory Committee on Teacher Education 

Folder 3: SCHEV- Virginia Advisory Committee on Teacher Education; July 9, 1970 

Folder 4: SCHEV- Commission on Higher Education Facilities 

Folder 5: SCHEV- Radford University Education Association: The Radford University Education Association Reporter 

Folder 6: SCHEV- Virginia Academy of Science 

Folder 7: SCHEV- Vocational Education Application- 1972, Business, Dr. Lightner 

Folder 8: SCHEV- Vocational Education Application- Dr. York and Dr. Lester 

Folder 9: Radford College Advisory Committee on Vocational Education 

Folder 10: SCHEV- Vocational Education Research or Development Project- Home Economics Workshops 

Folder 11: SCHEV- Virginia Vocational Guidance Programs 

Box 5: SCHEV reports 

Folder 1: SCHEV- Radford College, Division of Education 1971-1972 Approved Programs 

Folder 2: SCHEV- Radford College, Division of Applied Arts and Science 1971-1972, Approved Programs 

Folder 3: SCHEV- Radford College, Division of Natural Science 1971-1972, Approved Programs 

Folder 4: SCHEV- Radford College, Division on Humanities 1971-1972, Approved Programs 

Folder 5: SCHEV- Radford College, Division of Social Science 1971-1972, Approved Programs 

Box 6: SCHEV reports 

Folder 1: Policies and Procedures for Approval of Academic Progress March 7, 1978 

Folder 2: From David J. Moore (VP for Academic Affairs) to Dr. Gordon K. Davies (Director: SCHEV) - Six-Year Curricular Plan Radford College May 12, 1978 

Folder 3: Memorandum from Gordon K. Davies (SCHEV) to Instructional Advisory Committee - Subject: Six-Year Curricula May 26 1978 

Folder 4: Memo from Gordon K. Davies (SCHEV) to Instructional Programs Advisory Committee - Subject: Proposed Health Education Programs (HEGIS 0837) May 30, 1978 

Folder 5: From David J. Moore to Dr. Durrill, Dr. Stump, Dr. Lightner, Dr. Gibson - Subject: Workshop on Six-Year Curriculum Plan with SCHEV Personnel - June 16, 1978 

Folder 6: Memo from Gordon K. Davies (SCHEV) to Instructional Programs Advisory Committee - Subject: Six-Year Curricula Plan Outline - June 23, 1978 

Folder 7: Memo from Gordon K. Davies (SCHEV) to Instructional Programs Advisory Committee - Proposal of Agenda and Material Pertaining to Meeting - July 12, 1978 

Folder 8: State Council of Higher Education Anticipated Graduates July 19, 1978 

Folder 9: From David J. Moore to Dr. Audrey Landers (Assistant Director for Academic Programs-SCHEV) Final List of Proposed Programs for Radford College's Six-Year Curricula Plan September 22, 1978 

Folder 10: Thank you letter from Audrey D. Landers (SCHEV) to David J. Moore - September 29, 1978 

Folder 11: From David Albig (Chairman Department of Math, Stat, and SPSC) to Dr. W. Darrell Stump (Dean Scool of Arts and Sciences) - Subject: The New Degree Program in Applied Math - October 3, 1978 

Folder 12: Statement of Readiness - October 9, 1978 

Folder 13: Memo from Dr. David Moment (Chairman-Dept. of Business) to David J. Moore - Subject: Response to SCHEV Comment About MBA and BBA Programs, cc: Dean Lightner - October 20, 1978 

Folder 14: From Steven K. Pontius to Dr. Stump - Withdraw Proposal for New Programs - October 31, 1978 

Folder 15: From Bill Parsons to Dr. Moore - Re: Music Therapy Degree 11/5/78 

Folder 16: From David J. Moore to Dr. Lightner, Dr. Stump, Dr. Parsons, Dr. Wheeler - Category B Programs Should Contain a Sample Curriculum - November 27, 1978 

Folder 17: From David J. Moore to Audrey Landers (SCHEV) IEP Cost Data for Proposed Health Education Program - November 27, 1978 

Folder 18: Health Proposal B.A.-B.S. to Dr. Lightner 11/29/78 

Folder 19: Six-Year Program Proposals November 30, 1978 

Folder 20: Letter From John D. Wilson (Provst VT) To Audrey Landers Concerning Correspondence with David Moore (Not Attached) December 14, 1978 

Folder 21: Memo from David J. Moore to Undergraduate Deans Concerning Clarification of Enrollment Data for Programs in Category A and B in the Six-Year Curricular Plans/Attached Letter from Audrey Landers - December 18, 1978 

Folder 22: Clarification of Enrollment Projections from David J. Moore to Audrey D. Landers - December 21, 1978 

Folder 23: Memo from Audry D. Landers to Members of the Instructional Programs Advisory Committee - Abstracts of the programs Proposed - January 31, 1979 

Folder 24: From Audrey D. Landers to Members of the Instructional Programs Advisory Committee - Information on Six-Year Curricular Plan of the Virginia Community College System - February 5, 1979 

Folder 25: Memo from Audrey D. Landers to Members of the Instructional Programs Advisory Committee Representing Some Changes in Academic Program Recommendations - February 28, 1979 

Folder 26: From Gordon K. Davies to Dr. Donald Dedmon (President-Radford College) Concerning Resolutions - March 9, 1979 

Folder 27: Degrees Conferred at Virginia's Public Institutions of Higher Education 1967-1978 - Source SCHEV STR 79-07, April 1979 

Folder 28: Letter from Preston L. Durrill (Dean, Graduate School) to David J. Moore - May 24, 1979 

Folder 29: From David J. Moore to Audrey D. Landers Request Concerning the Discontinuation of Radford College's Master of Science Program in Matematics - May 30, 1979 

Folder 30: Letter from Gordon K. Davies to Donald Dedmon on Discontinued or Combined Programs - August 8, 1979 

Folder 31: Memo from Audrey D. Landers to Members of the Instructional Programs Advisory Committee - Period for Initiating Program Appeals Passed - August 24, 1979 

Folder 32: From Audrey D. Landers to David J. Moore - Record of Council Action for Programs Proposed to be Initiated Between July 1, 1982 and June 30, 1986 - September 27, 1979 

Folder 33: From Preson Durrill to Dean's Committee - Subject: Six-Year Curricular Plan - New Graduate Programs - October 15, 1979 

Folder 34: SCHEV Policies and Procedures for Approval of Six-Year Curricular Plans (Draft) - October 17, 1979 

Folder 35: Memo from Audrey D. Landers to Members of the Instructional Programs Advisory Committee - RE: Policies and Procecdures for Submission of Six-Year Curricular Plans - October 26, 1979 

Folder 36: Calendar of Due Dates - Approval of Six-Year Curricular Plans - October 30, 1979 

Folder 37: From Bill Parsons (Dean, School of Fine Arts) to Dr. David J. Moore (VP for Academic Affairs) - Suggestion to Re-Apply for Masters of Music Degree (Hegis Code 1004) and Master of Fine Arts in Fine Arts (Hegis Code 1001) Master of Fine Arts in Art (Hegis Code 1002) - November 1, 1979 

Folder 38: Dave Albig (Chairman, Department of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science) to David J. Moore (VP for Academic Affairs) - Subject: Initiation Date for Proposed BS/BA Degree in Computer Science - November 8, 1979 

Folder 39: From Audrey D. Landers to David J. Moore - Acknowledgement of Receipt of Preliminary List of Programs with Attachments - December 5, 1979 

Folder 40 : From Audrey D. Landers to David J. Moore - Information on Degrees Conferred In and Cost of Programs Similar to those which Radford University has Proposed - December 17, 1979 

Folder 41: From Donald Dedmon to Gordon K. Davies - To Inform of Action Taken by the Radford University Board of Visitors at its December 3rd Meeting - January 15, 1980 

Folder 42: Summary of Programs Proposed in Six-Year Curricular Plans - 1982-1988 - Two-Year Institutions - 1/23/80 

Folder 43: From David J. Moore to Dr. Dirk W. Leasure (College Council of Representative University of Virginia) Information on Self-Scheduled Final Examinations - Response to a letter to President Dedmon - March 31, 1980 

Folder 44: From David J. Moore to Dr. Wayne C. Hall (VP for Academic Affairs Virginia Commonwealth University) Questions concerning VCU's Programs - Music Therapy - July 3, 1980 

Folder 45: From Wayne C. Hall (VCU) to David J. Moore - Response to Music Therapy Inquiry - Filed 7/11/80 

Folder 46: Appalachian Studies Proposal - Stamped October 1980 

Folder 47: From Donald Dedmon to Gordon K. Davies in Regard to Radford University's Proposed BA/BS Program in Appalachian Studies - November 21, 1980 

Folder 48: From Donald Dedmon to Gordon K. Davies in Regard to the BS/BA in Computer Science - November 24, 1980 

Folder 49: From Gordon K. Davies to Donald Dedmon - Council for Higher Education Resolutions - February 4, 1981 

Folder 50: Master of Science (MS) in Special Education Statement of Readiness - March 1981 

Folder 51: From David J. Moore to Mr. J. Michael Mullen (Associate Director Academic Programs/Finance/Facilities SCHEV) - Statement of Readiness for the Master of Science Degree Program in Special Education: Mental Retardation (HEGIS 13.1006) - March 26, 1981 

Folder 52: From Gordon K. Davies to Donald Dedmon - Resolution Concerning Statement of Readiness Submitted by Radford University - May 7, 1981 

Folder 53: From David Potter (Coordinator for Academic Programs-SCHEV) to Dr. David J. Moore (VP Academic Affairs Radford) List of Programs Proposed in 1980 Six-Year Curricular Plan with Hegis Numbers and Recommendations - September 28, 1981 

Folder 54: Appendix A - Derivation of Unit Cost and Program Costs for Specialists in School Psychology at Radford College (No Exact Date) 

Folder 55: SCHEV Six-Year Curricula Plan Outline 

Folder 56: Six-Year Curricular Plan Radford College (No Date) 

Folder 57: Section IV - Committee on Academic Affairs - Six-Year Curricular Plan 1980-1986 

Folder 58: Radford University Calendar for 1980 Six-Year Curricular Plan (1982-1988) 

Folder 59: Student Level Definitions, 1978-79 

Folder 60: Form 4 Space Profile for Proposed Program 

Folder 61: B.A./B.S. Computer Science - Initiation Date: 1982 - Description, Projected Enrollments, Fiscal Implications, etc. 

Folder 62: Correspondence Between Dr. Audrey Landers (SCHEV) and Radford College (1978) 

Box 7: SCHEV reports 

Folder 1: SCHEV A-1 and B-3 Enrollment Reports IR741056 1970 thru 1974 - Graduate Student Enrollment 

Folder 2: OCR B-2 - Student Enrollment Survey (Fall 1975) 

Folder 3: B-2 74-75-78-79 - Summary Off-Campus Headcount Enrollment by Term 

Folder 4: 1979-'80 B-2 - Summary Off-Campus Headcount Enrollment by Term 

Folder 5: B-3 1967-'68 to 1970-'71- Summary Head-Count Resident Enrollment by Term 

Folder 6: B-3 1971-'72-'78-'79 - Summary On-Campus Headcount Enrollment by Term 

Folder 7: B-3 1979-'80 - Summary On-Campus Headcount Enrollment by Term 

Folder 8: B-5 Fall 1977 - Headcount Enrollment Age Summary 

Folder 9: B-5 1979-'80 - Headcount Enrollment Age Summary 

Folder 10: Fall '74-'79 - Applications for Fall Admissions 

Folder 11: B-8 Falls, '68-'73 - TOTAL Applications for Fall Undergraduate Admissions 

Folder 12: B-9 Falls, '68-'73 - Transfer Applications for Fall Undergraduate Admission 

Folder 13: B-9 Fall '74-Fall '78 - Transfer Applications for Fall Undergraduate Admissions 

Folder 14: Facilities Updates (F-1 and F-2) Fall, 1981 

Folder 15: R-1 Falls, '68-'72 - County or City of Residence of Students Enrolled in Virginia Institutions of Higher Education for Fall Term, 1972 (Head-Count) 

Folder 16: R-1 Fall, 1973 - County or City of Residence of Students Enrolled in Virginia Institutions of Higher Education for Fall Term (Head-Count) 

Folder 17: R-1 Fall 1974 - County or City of Residence of Students Enrolled in Virginia Institutions of Higher Education for Fall Term, 1974 (Headcount) 

Folder 18: R-1 Fall 1975 - County or City of Residence of Students Enrolled in Virginia Institutions of Higher Education for Fall Term, 1975 (Headcount) 

Folder 19: R-1 Fall, 1976 County or City of Residence of Students Enrolled in Virginia Institutions of Higher Education for Fall Term, 1976 (Headcount) 

Folder 20: R-1 Fall 1977 - County or City of Residence of Students Enrolled in Virginia Institutions of Higher Education for Fall Term, 1977 (Headcount) 

Folder 21: R-1 Fall, 1979 - County or City of Residence of Students Enrolled in Virginia Institutions of Higher Education for Fall Term, 1985 (Headcount) 

Box 8: SCHEV reports 

Folder 1: Projections-Budget Form 2 B-S, 1979 

Folder 2: Projections (L-1) Data 

Folder 3: Educational Research Corporation Questionaire for College Admissions Data Service Handbook 

Folder 4: Public Service Activities '78-'79 SCHEV Survey 

Folder 5: Staffing Comparisons of Senior Institutions SCHEV 1978-'79 

Folder 6: Projections (SCHEV) -- 1977-'78 to 1981-'82 

Folder 7: Higher Education Image 

Folder 8: Facilities Utilization Updates - Spring, 1977-'78 

Folder 9: Facilities Utilization General Info. '79 

Folder 10: Facilities Utilization Updates - Fall, 1978-'79 

Box 9: SCHEV reports 

Folder 1: B-4 Falls, 1967-1974 - Headcount Enrollment of Upper Division Undergraduate Students by Major Field of Study 

Folder 2: SCHEV F-3A 1964, 1970, & 1972 (Previous Years) - Land Inventory 

Folder 3: SCHEV E-1 Previous Years (1969-1972) - Current Operating Income and Expenditures 

Folder 4: SCHEV E-1 1973-'76 IR730802 - Current Operating Revenue and Expenditures 

Folder 5: F-2 Building Characteristics Report SCHEV IR740426 1973-'74, 1974-'75 

Folder 6: SCHEV F-2A Previous Years 1964+1972 - Building Inventory 

Folder 7: F-3 Land Inventory IR740425 1973-'74 

Folder 8: SCHEV Form F-3 1975 Land Inventory 

Folder 9: SCHEV L-1 1972 Projected Student Enrollment 1970-1982 (IR720845) + 1972-1982 (IR720846) 

Folder 10: SCHEV L-1 Fall 1973 IR720844 + IR730103 - Projected Student Enrollment 

Folder 11: SCHEV Form L-1 1974 IR741161 - Projected Student Enrollment 

Folder 12: L-1 1975 - Projected Student Enrollment 

Folder 13: SCHEV L-1 1975 (IR750422) Projected Student Enrollment Fall 1975 - Fall 1984 - IR750421 + IR750111 

Folder 14: L-1 (Prepared 3/26/79) Approved - An Analysis of the Enrollment and Enrollment Projections for the Period 1980-1984 

Folder 15: L-1 Approved 1/1977 - Student Enrollment 

Folder 16: SCHEV Q-1 IR740427 - 1973 - Previous Years - Public Service Offerings 

Folder 17: SCHEV Q-1 1974 Public Service Offerings 

Folder 18: SCHEV Q-1 1975 IR750317 - Public Service Offerings 

Folder 19: Q-1 1976 - Community Education Offerings 

Folder 20: Q-1 1977 - Community Education Offering 

Folder 21: S-1 thru S-6 1975-'76 - State Student Loan Fund 

Folder 22: SCHEV - Resident Classes Taught by Term