John Preston McConnell - Personal Papers
RU 2.1.2

 Group 2: Series 1: Subseries 2

Summary Information

McConnell Library Archives and Special Collections
John Preston McConnell Personal Papers: Group 2: Series 1: Subseries 2
RU 2.1.2
Date [inclusive]
12.5 Linear feet
Physical Description
Contains correspondence, reports, papers, and other documents.
Located in locked compact shelving, level 1.
The materials are in English

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], John Preston McConnell Personal Papers, Radford University Archives, McConnell Library, Radford University, Radford, VA.

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Biographical Note

John Preston McConnell was born in Scott County, Virginia in February, 1866. He received his A.B. (Bachelor's) and A.M. (Master's) degrees from Milligan College in Milligan, Tennessee. After receiving his Ph.D in History from the University of Virginia, he was a professor and Dean at Emory and Henry College in Emory, Virginia. In 1911, he was appointed as the first president of the State Normal and Industrial School for Women at Radford, present-day Radford University. He retired in November, 1937 because of failing health.

In addition to his duties as president of the State Normal and Industrial School for Women at Radford and the successor Radford State Teachers College, Dr. McConnell was involved in a variety of civic, commercial, philanthropic, and religious activities. Among the organizations of which McConnell served as president were the Cooperative Education Association of Virginia, Southwest Virginia, Inc. (a regional Chamber of Commerce), and the First & Merchants National Bank. He was an active member in several Virginia governmental concerns as well as the state and national Anti-Saloon League, the state and national Chamber of Commerce, the Virginia Bankers Association, the Christian Church and the Disciples of Christ. He also maintained correspondence with a number of private citizens on a wide range of topics.

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Arrangement Note

Contains the personal papers of John Preston MConnell during his presidency of the Radford State Teachers College (formerly known as the State Normal and Industrial School for Women) from 1913 to 1937. Contains papers, correspondence, writings, and other materials related to Dr. McConnell's personal and profssional interests. The files are in alphabetical order by subject, and reflect orginal order of the files.

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Administrative Information

Publication Information

McConnell Library Archives and Special Collections

McConnell Library
PO Box 6881
Radford, Virginia

Restrictions to access

An appointment for research is required. The collection is open for research. No interlibrary loan.

Processing note

Processed by Jim Gilson, Aaron Spelbring, and Gene Hyde, c. 2000-2009. Additional updating and conversion of finding aid by Gene Hyde and Kim Moore, 2009-2010.

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Related Materials

Note about the Virginia Anti-Saloon League Collection

John Preston McConnell was president of the Virginia Anti-Saloon League and the organizational records of this organization were originally part of the John Preston McConnell Personal Papers. The Anti-Saloon League materials originally in Boxes 1-2 of the McConnell Personal Papers were removed and reorganized and are now available as SC 203: Virginia Anti-Saloon League Collection

Note about the Southwestern Virginia, Inc. Collection

John Preston McConnell was president of Southwestern Virginia, Inc, and the organizational records of this organization were originally part of the John Preston McConnell Personal Papers. The materials originally in Boxes 18-22 of the McConnell Personal Papers were removed and reorganized and are now available as AC 024: Southwestern Virginia, Inc. Collection.

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Collection Inventory

Box 1: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Adams, James Taylor 

Folder 2: Addington, Luther F. 

Folder 3: Akers, Dr. (Alum Ridge, VA) 

Folder 4: Alderman, Edwin Anderson (President, University of Virginia) 

Folder 5: America Self-Contained Committee 

Folder 6: American Association for Labor Legislation 

Folder 7: American Bible Society 

Folder 8: American Economic Journal 

Folder 9: American Legion - Sesquicentennial Celebration (of American independence) Float Committee 

Folder 10: Anglo-Saxon Club 

Folders 11-16: Anti-Saloon League of Virginia removed and reorganized as SC 203: Virginia Anti-Saloon League Collection 

Box 2: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folders 1-8 : Anti-Saloon League of Virginia removed and reorganized as SC 203: Virginia Anti-Saloon League Collection 

Folder 3: Anti-Saloon League of Virginia - Correspondence - 1935 

Folder 9: Appalachian Mountain Region Needs 

Folder 10: Asbury, Bishop ("Itinerant Minister in Washington") 

Folder 11: Association of the Study of Negro Life and History 

Folder 12: Ayers, Rufus A. 

Folder 13: Baldwin Brothers (real estate brokers) 

Folder 14: Baldwin Land Company 

Folder 15: Ballots, Mail 

Folder 16: Bell, Landon C. 

Folder 17: Berea (Kentucky) Opportunity School 

Folder 18: Blair, C. F. 

Folder 19: Blair, J. Leland (Professor) 

Folder 20: Boone, Daniel 

Folder 21: Boyer, Beryl Cox (Mrs.) 

Folder 22: Buck, I. G. W. 

Folder 23: Burleson, D. S. (Dr.) 

Folder 24: Buster, Mr. 

Box 3: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Carper-Lithia Springs Corporation 

Folder 2: Children's Home Society of Virginia - Correspondence - 1927-1931 

Folder 3: Children's Home Society of Virginia - Correspondence - 1931-1932 

Folder 4: Children's Home Society of Virginia - Correspondence - 1933-1934 

Folder 5: Children's Home Society of Virginia - Correspondence - 1935-1938 

Folder 6: Children's Home Society of Virginia - Board of Directors - Minutes - 1930-1933 

Folder 7: Children's Home Society of Virginia - Board of Directors - Minutes - 1934-1935 

Folder 8: Children's Home Society of Virginia - Board of Directors - Minutes - 1936 

Folder 9: Children's Home Society of Virginia - Board of Directors - Minutes - 1937-1938 

Folder 10: Childress (Virginia) Community Grange 

Folder 11: China Child Welfare, Inc. 

Folder 12: Christian Church - Correspondence - 1914-1921 

Box 4: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Christian Church - Correspondence - 1927-1929 

Folder 2: Christian Church - Correspondence - 1930-1932 

Folder 3: Christian Church - Correspondence - 1933-1937 

Folder 4: Christian Church - Miscellaneous Items (1 of 9) 

Folder 5: Christian Church - Miscellaneous Items (2 of 9) 

Folder 6: Christian Church - Miscellaneous Items (3 of 9) 

Folder 7: Christian Church - Miscellaneous Items (4 of 9) 

Folder 8: Christian Church - Miscellaneous Items (5 of 9) 

Folder 9: Christian Church - Miscellaneous Items (6 of 9) 

Box 5: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Christian Church - Miscellaneous Items (7 of 9) 

Folder 2: Christian Church - Miscellaneous Items (8 of 9) 

Folder 3: Christian Church - Miscellaneous Items (9 of 9) 

Folder 4: Citizen's Committee of One Thousand - Correspondence 

Folder 5: Citizen's Committee of One Thousand - Publications 

Folder 6: Citizen's Legion 

Folder 7: Coal Spring Church 

Folder 8: Committee on Southern Fellowships in the Social Sciences 

Folder 9: Communism and Socialism 

Folder 10: Confederate Widow Pensions 

Folder 11: Conference of Southern Mountain Workers 

Folder 12: Conference of Virginia Social Workers 

Folder 13: Council of Rural Agencies in Virginia - Community Life Campaign - Correspondence 

Folder 14: Council of Rural Agencies in Virginia - Community Life Campaign - Miscellaneous Items 

Box 6: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Cooperative Eductional Association of Virginia - By-Laws 

Folder 2: Cooperative Eductional Association of Virginia - Certificate of Incorporation 

Folder 3: Cooperative Eductional Association of Virginia - Community of Leagues 

Folder 4: Cooperative Eductional Association of Virginia - Correspondence - 1921-1925 

Folder 5: Cooperative Eductional Association of Virginia - Correspondence - 1926 

Folder 6: Cooperative Eductional Association of Virginia - Correspondence - 1927 

Folder 7: Cooperative Eductional Association of Virginia - Correspondence - 1928-1929 

Folder 8: Cooperative Eductional Association of Virginia - Correspondence - 1930-1931 

Folder 9: Cooperative Eductional Association of Virginia - Correspondence - 1932-1934 

Folder 10: Cooperative Eductional Association of Virginia - Correspondence - 1935-1937 

Box 7: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Cooperative Eductional Association of Virginia - Executive Committee - Board of Managers - Minutes 

Folder 2: Cooperative Eductional Association of Virginia - Newspaper Clippings 

Folder 3: Cooperative Eductional Association of Virginia - Publications 

Folder 4: Cooperative Eductional Association of Virginia - Speeches 

Folder 5: Cox, S. C. (Mrs.) 

Folder 6: Crippled Children's Hospital 

Folder 7: Crockett Springs, Virginia (resort area) 

Folder 8: Democratic Convention (1932) 

Folder 9: Disciples of Christ - 1930-1931 

Folder 10: Disciples of Christ - 1932 

Folder 11: Disciples of Christ - 1933-1936 

Folder 12: Disciples of Christ - Board of Education - Annual Meetings - Minutes - 1930-1936 

Box 8: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Disciples of Christ - Board of Education - Annual Reports 

Folder 2: Disciples of Christ - Board of Education - Directors - Minutes 

Folder 3: Disciples of Christ - Board of Education - Executive Committee - Minutes - 1924-1937 

Folder 4: Disciples of Christ - Interchurch World Movement of North America 

Folder 5: Disciples of Christ - Miscellaneous Items (1 of 2) 

Folder 6: Disciples of Christ - Miscellaneous Items (2 of 2) 

Folder 7: Disciples of Christ - Pension Fund - Correspondence - 1929-1930 

Folder 8: Disciples of Christ - Pension Fund - Correspondence - 1930 

Box 9: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Disciples of Christ - Pension Fund - Correspondence - 1930-1932 

Folder 2: Disciples of Christ - Pension Fund - Miscellaneous Items (1 of 4) 

Folder 3: Disciples of Christ - Pension Fund - Miscellaneous Items (2 of 4) 

Folder 4: Disciples of Christ - Pension Fund - Miscellaneous Items (4 of 4) 

Folder 5: Disciples of Christ - Pension Fund - Miscellaneous Items (4 of 4) 

Folder 6: Elam, G. Milton 

Folder 7: Elk Creek, Virginia 

Folder 8: Emory and Henry College 

Folder 9: Farmers & Merchants Corporation 

Folder 10: Farmers & Merchants National Bank of Radford - 1920-1927 

Folder 11: Farmers & Merchants National Bank of Radford - 1928-1929 

Folder 12: Farmers & Merchants National Bank of Radford - 1930-1932 

Box 10: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: First & Merchants National Bank of Radford - 1932-1934 

Folder 2: First & Merchants National Bank of Radford - 1935-1937 

Folder 3: First & Merchants National Bank of Radford - Miscellaneous Items 

Folder 4: First Christian Church of Radford 

Folder 5: Forestry 

Folder 6: Foundation of Narcotic Research & Information, Inc. 

Folder 7: Gilmer Family, The 

Folder 8: Glenwood Bible School 

Folder 9: Golden Rule Foundation - Correspondence 

Folder 10: Golden Rule Foundation - Miscellaneous Items 

Folder 11: Good Roads Association 

Folder 12: Graham, H. B. (Mr. and Mrs.) 

Folder 13: Gravel Hill (Church) Anniversary 

Folder 14: Ground Hog Club 

Folder 15: Hale, Nathan W. (Honorable) 

Folder 16: Handy, Lawrence (Professor) 

Folder 17: Hoke, Kremer J. (Dean, College of William and Mary) 

Folder 18: Hopwood, Josephus - 1930-1932 

Box 11: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Hopwood, Josephus - 1933-1937 

Folder 2: Intercollegiate Prohibition Association 

Folder 3: Izaak Walton League of America 

Folder 4: Jackson Building Corporation 

Folder 5: Johnson Bible College 

Folder 6: Jordan, George A. (Professor) 

Folder 7: Kersey, Walter O. (Rev.) 

Folder 8: Layman, George W. (Sen.) 

Folder 9: League of Nations 

Folder 10: League to Enforce Peace 

Folder 11: Live Stock Association 

Folder 12: Lord's Day Alliance of Virginia 

Folder 13: Lubker, John 

Folder 14: Lucas, Charles (brother-in-law) 

Folder 15: Lucas Family - Genealogy (see "McConnell Family - McConnell, Clara Lucas") 

Folder 16: Lynchburg College - Correspondence - 1928-1937 

Folder 17: Lynchburg College - Miscellaneous Items 

Box 12: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: McConnell Family - Brickey, W. P., Mr. and Mrs. (uncle and aunt) 

Folder 2: McConnell Family - Carter, Nancy Etna Victoria (sister) 

Folder 3: McConnell Family - Compton, W. A. (cousin) 

Folder 4: McConnell Family - Graybeal, D. Burke (grandson) 

Folder 5: McConnell Family - Graybeal, H. C. (Henry Clay) (son-in-law) 

Folder 6: Graybeal, June McConnell (daughter) 

Folder 7: Grigsby, Annie McConnell (daughter) 

Folder 8: McConnell Family - Kennedy, Annie Lucas (sister) 

Folder 9: McConnell Family - McConnell, Adair Renfro (grandson) 

Folder 10: McConnell Family - McConnell, Carl Hiram (son) 

Folder 11: McConnell Family - McConnell, Clara Lucas (wife) - Biographical Material 

Folder 12: McConnell Family - McConnell, Clara Lucas (wife) - Writings - "A Trip to Tazewell" 

Folder 13: McConnell Family - McConnell, George (uncle) 

Folder 14: McConnell Family - McConnell, Henry M. (brother) 

Folder 15: McConnell Family - McConnell, Hiram Kilgore, Jr. (brother) 

Folder 16: McConnell Family - McConnell, Hiram Kilgore, Sr. (father) - Tombstone 

Folder 17: McConnell Family - McConnell, John Paul (son) - 1928-1936 

Folder 18: McConnell Family - McConnell, John Paul (son) - January 1937-March 1937 

Folder 19: McConnell Family - McConnell, John Paul (son) - April 1937-May 1937 

Folder 20: McConnell Family - McConnell, John Paul (son) - June 1937-August 1937 

Folder 21: McConnell Family - McConnell, John Paul (son) - Resume and College Transcripts 

Folder 22: McConnell Family - McConnell, M. J. (cousin?) 

Folder 23: McConnell Family - McConnell, Robert Lucas (son) 

Folder 24: McConnell Family - McConnell, Robert W. (brother) 

Folder 25: McConnell, John Preston - Ancestry 

Box 13: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: McConnell, John Preston - College Presidency Job Offers 

Folder 2: McConnell, John Preston - Commissions Recieved 

Folder 3: McConnell, John Preston - Debts Owed To 

Folder 4: McConnell, John Preston - Early Writings 

Folder 5: McConnell, John Preston - Family 

Folder 6: McConnell, John Preston - Financial Contributions & Expenditures 

Folder 7: McConnell, John Preston - Official Documents and Invitations 

Folder 8: McConnell, John Preston - Poems (various authors) 

Folder 9: McConnell, John Preston - Publications - Negroes and Their Treatment in Virginia from 1865 to 1867 (dissertation) - Distribution of 

Folder 10: McConnell, John Preston - Publications - Who Am I? - Distribution of 

Folder 11: McConnell, John Preston - Speeches 

Folder 12: Milligan College 

Folder 13: Moffett, M'Ledge (Mary Ledger) 

Folder 14: Montgomery County Mutual Building and Loan Association, Inc. 

Folder 15: Mountain Industrial Institute - 1927-1929 

Box 14: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Mountain Industrial Institute - 1930 (the name changed in 1931 to the Mountain Mission School) 

Folder 2: Mountain Mission School - 1931-1937 

Folder 3: National Council of Normal School Presidents and Principals 

Folder 4: National Economic League 

Folder 5: National Institute of Moral Instruction 

Folder 6: National Magazine of Commerce 

Folder 7: National Society for the Prevention of Blindness 

Folder 8: Nation's Business 

Folder 9: Near East College Association - Correspondence 

Folder 10: Near East College Association - Miscellaneous Items 

Folder 11: New York Southern Society - Correspondence 

Folder 12: New York Southern Society - Miscellaneous Items 

Folder 13: Normal Schools - South Carolina 

Box 15: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Parker, G. M. N. - Correspondence - 1930-1934 

Folder 2: Parker, G. M. N. - Correspondence - 1934-1937 

Folder 3: Parker, G. M. N. - Miscellaneous Items 

Folder 4: Pendleton, W. W. 

Folder 5: Porter, W. G. 

Folder 6: Porto Rico Child Feeding Committee 

Folder 7: Prohibition 

Folder 8: Prohibition Emergency Committee 

Folder 9: Prohibition National Committee 

Folder 10: Radford (Description of) 

Folder 11: Radford Chamber of Commerce 

Folder 12: Radford Finance Corporation 

Folder 13: Radford Hospital Corporation 

Folder 14: Radford Mutual Building & Loan 

Folder 15: Radford Park Association 

Folder 16: Radford Rotary Club 

Box 16: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Radford Sales Corporation (automobile dealership) - 1931-1934 

Folder 2: Radford Sales Corporation (automobile dealership) - 1934-1935 

Folder 3: Rappahannock Valley, Inc. 

Folder 4: Real Estate - Radford 

Folder 5: Real Estate - Scott County 

Folder 6: Reconstruction Finance Corporation 

Folder 7: Save the Children Fund of America 

Folder 8: Scott County, Virginia - Biographies 

Folder 9: Scott County, Virginia - Celebrations 

Folder 10: Scott County, Virginia - Reunions - Correspondence - 1924-1928 

Folder 11: Scott County, Virginia - Reunions - at Midway - 1930 

Folder 12: Scott County, Virginia - Reunions - Correspondence - 1932-1934 

Folder 13: Shenandoah [VA] Apple Blossom Festival 

Folder 14: Shenandoah Valley, Inc. - Correspondence 

Box 17: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Shenandoah Valley, Inc. - Miscellaneous Items 

Folder 2: Shumate, G. A. (Mrs.) 

Folder 3: Slemp, Bascom 

Folder 4: Society of the Sons of Revolution 

Folder 5: Sons of Confederate Veterans - Correspondence 

Folder 6: Sons of Confederate Veterans - Miscellaneous Items (1 of 2) 

Folder 7: Sons of Confederate Veterans - Miscellaneous Items (2 of 2) 

Folder 8: Southern Cooperative League for Education & Social Science 

Folder 9: Southern Education Association 

Folder 10: Southwestern Virginia, Inc. - Advertising 

Folder 11: Southwestern Virginia, Inc. - Annual Celebrations - 1931-1934 

Folder 12: Southwestern Virginia, Inc. - Annual Celebrations - 1935-1937 

Folder 13: Southwestern Virginia, Inc. - Audit - 1926-1927 

Folder 14: Southwestern Virginia, Inc. - Biographies 

Folder 15: Southwestern Virginia, Inc. - Board of Directors - Correspondence - 1926-1927 

Boxes 18-22: Removed from this collection and set up as the Southwestern Virginia, Inc. Collection (AS 024) 

Folder 5: Southwestern Virginia, Inc. - Board of Directors - Correspondence - June 1931-March 1935 

Box 23: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Sproles, Grace Pugh (Mrs.) 

Folder 2: Stearnes, R. C. 

Folder 3: Stone Printing & Manufacturing Company 

Folder 4: Stony Creek Primitive Baptist Church 

Folder 5: Superintendent of Public Schools - Lynchburg, Virginia 

Folder 6: Thomas, John V. 

Folder 7: Transylvania College - 1921 

Folder 8: Transylvania College - 1921-1931 

Folder 9: Tri-County Fair Association 

Folder 10: United Christian Missionary Society 

Folder 11: U.S. Chamber of Commerce - 1929-1930 

Folder 12: U.S. Chamber of Commerce - 1931-1937 

Folder 13: U.S. Chamber of Commerce - Miscellanous Itmes 

Folder 14: U.S. Food Administration 

Folder 15: University of Virginia - Alumni 

Box 24: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Vance, Truman 

Folder 2: Virginia Bankers Association - 1921-1928 

Folder 3: Virginia Bankers Association - January 1929-November 1929 

Folder 4: Virginia Bankers Association - November 1929-December 1929 

Folder 5: Virginia Bankers Association - January 1930-February 1930 

Folder 6: Virginia Bankers Association - March 1930-October 1930 

Folder 7: Virginia Bankers Association - November 1930-December 1930 

Folder 8: Virginia Bankers Association - 1931 

Box 25: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Virginia Bankers Association - 1932-1937 

Folder 2: Virginia Bankers Association - Miscellaneous Items (1 of 7) 

Folder 3: Virginia Bankers Association - Miscellaneous Items (2 of 7) 

Folder 4: Virginia Bankers Association - Miscellaneous Items (3 of 7) 

Folder 5: Virginia Bankers Association - Miscellaneous Items (4 of 7) 

Folder 6: Virginia Bankers Association - Miscellaneous Items (5 of 7) 

Folder 7: Virginia Bankers Association - Miscellaneous Items (6 of 7) 

Folder 8: Virginia Bankers Association - Miscellaneous Items (7 of 7) 

Folder 9: Virginia Blue Grass Trail Association - 1929-1930 

Box 26: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Virginia Blue Grass Trail Association - 1931 

Folder 2: Virginia Blue Grass Trail Association - 1932-1937 

Folder 3: Virginia Blue Grass Trail Association - Miscellaneous Items 

Folder 4: Virginia Citizens Carillion Committee 

Folder 5: Virginia Commission on Interracial Cooperation - 1926-1929 

Folder 6: Virginia Commission on Interracial Cooperation - 1930-1932 

Folder 7: Virginia Commission on Interracial Cooperation - 1933-1934 

Folder 8: Virginia Commission on Interracial Cooperation - 1935-1937 

Folder 9: Virginia Commission on Interracial Cooperation - Miscellaneous Items 

Folder 10: Virginia Fruit Growers Association 

Folder 11: Virginia Historical Pageant Association 

Folder 12: Virginia Manufacturers Association 

Box 27: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Virginia Rural Church Conference Board 

Folder 2: Virginia State Chamber of Commerce - 1925-1929 

Folder 3: Virginia State Chamber of Commerce - 1929-1930 

Folder 4: Virginia State Chamber of Commerce - 1930-1937 

Folder 5: Virginia State Chamber of Commerce - Miscellaneous Items 

Folder 6: Virginia State Conservation & Development Commission - 1926-1927 

Folder 7: Virginia State Conservation & Development Commission - 1928-1929 

Box 28: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Virginia State Conservation & Development Commission - 1930-1937 

Folder 2: Virginia State Conservation & Development Commission - Highway Marker Inscriptions (1 of 4) 

Folder 3: Virginia State Conservation & Development Commission - Highway Marker Inscriptions (2 of 4) 

Folder 4: Virginia State Conservation & Development Commission - Highway Marker Inscriptions (3 of 4) 

Folder 5: Virginia State Conservation & Development Commission - Highway Marker Inscriptions (4 of 4) 

Folder 6: Virginia Sunday School Association - 1927-1929 

Folder 7: Virginia Sunday School Association - 1930 

Box 29: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Virginia Sunday School Association - 1931-1936 

Folder 2: Virginia Sunday School Association - Miscellaneous Items (1 of 4) 

Folder 3: Virginia Sunday School Association - Miscellaneous Items (2 of 4) 

Folder 4: Virginia Sunday School Association - Miscellaneous Items (3 of 4) 

Folder 5: Virginia Sunday School Association - Miscellaneous Items (4 of 4) 

Folder 6: Virginia War History Commission - 1919 

Folder 7: Virginia War History Commission - 1920-1921 

Folder 8: Virginia War History Commission - 1923-1931 

Folder 9: Virginia War History Commission - Miscellaneous Items 

Folder 10: War Camp Community Service 

Box 30: McConnell Personal Papers 2.1.2 

Folder 1: Women's Christian Temperance Union 

Folder 2: World Conference on Narcotic Education 

Folder 3: Yellow Sulphus Springs, Virginia (health resort) 

Folder 4: Yellow Jacket (newsletter) 

Folder 5: Yenching University 

Folder 6: Yenching University - Miscellaneous Items 

Folder 7: Young Men's Christian Association 

Folder 8: Young Men's Christian Association - Miscellaneou Items 

Folder 9: Young Women's Christian Association