McConnell Library Historical Virginia Documents
RU 3.3.2

Summary Information

McConnell Library Archives and Special Collections
McConnell Library Historical Virginia Documents
RU 3.3.2
Date [bulk]
Bulk, 1925-1940
Date [inclusive]
1.5 Linear feet
Located in locked compact shelving, level 1, shelf 22H.
Materials are in English.
The Virginia Historical Documents collection contains official Virginia Documents publications, regional publications, flyers, pamphlets, magazines, and other publications that were originally part of McConnell Library's Virginia Documents and regional materials files in the 1930s and 40s.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], McConnell Library Historical Virginia Documents, Radford University Archives, McConnell Library, Radford University, Radford, VA.

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Administrative Information

Publication Information

McConnell Library Archives and Special Collections

McConnell Library
PO Box 6881
Radford, Virginia

Restrictions to access

An appointment for research is required. The collection is open for research. No interlibrary loan.

Accruals note

Additional materials are not expected.

Processing Information

Processed by Gene Hyde, June 2010.

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Physical Description

Contains pamphlets, booklets, flyers, magazines, and other printed materials.

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Collection Inventory

Folder 1: Radford City Documents - includes: 1) Member Roll, Tyler Presbyterian Church, 1944; 2) Radford City Recreation Dance and Parties booklets, c. 1940s 

Folder 2: Race publications: 1) "The New Family and Race Improvement" Virginia Bureau of Vital Statistics, 1925; 2) Book advertisement for "Mongrel Virginians: A Scientific Study of Racial Intermixture..." 

Folder 3: Virginia History and assorted publications: includes 1) 1917 Virginia Gettysburg Battlefield Memorial dedication; 2) Yorktown Sesquicentennial Pagents 1931; 3) First Annual Annual Dogwood Festival program, 1935; plus other documents 

Folder 4: The Citizen - literary publication of the State Industrial Farm for Women, Virginia Department of Corrections, c. 1940s 

Folder 5: Virginia Garden Club information - 1) 2 Richmond newspaper special editions from the 1930s; 2) 2 booklets from the 1970s 

Folder 6: Virginia Tourism literature from the 1930s, with some items from the 1950s-70's. Flyers, pamphlets, and booklets. 

Folder 7: Regional education and literary publications, including 1) The Black Swan (1930); 2) Shenandoah Magazine (Vol. 2, No. 3, 1938); plus other publications 

Folder 8: Virginia Education publications, including 1) "Important Facts about State Supported Colleges of Virginia" (1926); 2) "A Liberal Arts College for Women," a report submitted to the Virginia General Assembly, 1930; 3) plus other reports 

Folder 9: Reports on Virgina housing, farming, labor relations, cooperative extension services. Includes 1) "Marginal Housing: A Result and Cause of Poverty" (1939), 2) "Farm Housing in Virginia: A State of Housing Extremes (1948). 3) plus other documents 

Folder 10: Virginia Legal documents and reports, 1930s