Academic Affairs - Vice President for Academic Affairs Records - Dr. Charles W. Owens
RU 3.2.1-1

Summary Information

McConnell Library Archives and Special Collections
Academic Affairs - Vice President for Academic Affairs Records - Dr. Charles W. Owens
RU 3.2.1-1
Date [inclusive]
1.5 Linear feet
Physical Description
Contains reports, papers, and other documents.
Located in locked compact shelving, shelf 18I, level 1.
Contains various reports generated by the office of Charles W. Owens, VP for Academic Affairs. Includes reports on faculty salaries, retirement plans, recruitment, affirmative action, and EEO reports. Also includes "Writing Across the Curriculum" information, SCHEV data and reports, "Virginia Plan" academic information for 1979-81, and other reports.

Preferred Citation

[Identification of item], Academic Affairs, RU 3.2.1-1, Radford University Archives, McConnell Library, Radford University, Radford, VA.

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Administrative Information

Publication Information

McConnell Library Archives and Special Collections

McConnell Library
PO Box 6881
Radford, Virginia

Restrictions to access.

An appointment for research is required. The collection is open for research. No interlibrary loan.

Processing Information

Processed by Ashley Tussey and Gene Hyde, Winter 2012.

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Collection Inventory

Box 1 

Folder 1: Cost-of-Living Subcommittee 1987 

Folder 2: EEO Reports 1983-1984 

Folder 3: Faculty Salary Averages, Increases- State Supported Institutions 1982 

Folder 4: Faculty Retirement 1987 

Folder 5: Faculty Recruitment Plan 1983 

Folder 6: Full Time Instructional Report at Virginia Institutions- 1983 

Folder 7: A Statement of Mission 1973 

Folder 8: SCHE- A Statement of Mission- 1979 

Folder 9: Department Chairs Comments 1990 

Box 2: 

Folder 1: Revised Institutional Student Recruitment and Retention Plan- 1986 

Folder 2: SCHEV- Study of Baccalaureate Graduates by Race in Virginia- 1980 

Folder 3: SCHEV- Survey Regarding Preparation of Teachers to work Effectively with Minority Groups- 1976 

Folder 4: SCHEV- Grade Inflation Study- 1977 

Folder 5: SCHEV- Benchmark Institutions for the 1976-78 Salary 

Folder 6: Six Year Curricular Guidelines- 1987 

Folder 7: White Teachers and Black Students Conference- 1983 

Folder 8: General Assembly Fact Notebooks and Updates- 1985 

Folder 9: A "Writing Across the Curriculum" Annual Report 1987-88 

Folder 10: A "Writing Across the Curriculum" Annual Report 1987-88 

Box 3: 

Folder 1: Virginia Plan- Faculty Recruitment Plan- 1983 

Folder 2: Virginia Plan for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education- 1988 

Folder 3: Virginia Plan 1989 

Folder 4: Virginia Plan- Instructional and Administrative Faculty Affirmitive Action Plan- 1986 

Folder 5: Virginia Plan- Narrative Statement- 1979-1981 

Folder 6: Virginia Plan- SCHEV- Position Papers 1979 

Folder 7: Virginia Plan- Institutional Representatives for Review of Statewide 1972 

Folder 8: Virginia Plan- SCHEV- The Virginia Program 1979 

Folder 9: Virginia Plan- 1972-1982 

Folder 10: Virginia Plan- Population and Higher Education Enrollment in Virginia 1970-1980 

Folder 11: Virginia Plan- Radford University Affirminitve Action Plan- 1986