McConnell Library Archives and Special Collections
Donald N. Dedmon Official Papers
RU 2.4
President of Radford College (1972-79) - President of Radford University (1979-1994)
Table of Contents
Summary Information
- Repository
- McConnell Library Archives and Special Collections
- Title
- Donald N. Dedmon Offical Papers
- ID
- RU 2.4
- Date [inclusive]
- 1972-1994
- Extent
- 13.5 Linear feet
- Physical Description
- Contains reports, papers, and other documents.
- Location
- Located in locked compact shelving, level 1.
- Language
- English
- Abstract
- Dr. Donald Newton Dedmon (1972-1994), a Missouri native, received his undergraduate degree from Southwestern Missouri State College, and later received his M.A. and Ph.D. at the University of Iowa. He taught at both the high school and college levels before he moved into university administration at Colorado State University and Marshall University. Dr. Dedmon served as Marshall’s executive vice president and acting president before coming to Radford University, where he was president for two decades. During his time at Radford, the university experienced unprecedented growth in campus size, curriculum, and student population. Dr. Dedmon was an ardent supporter of faculty teaching during an era where research was valued over classroom work. His collection in the archives includes his speeches and official papers, among other things.
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], Donald N. Dedmon Official Papers, Radford University Archives, McConnell Library, Radford University, Radford, VA.
Arrangement note
Contains papers and materials from Dr. Donald N. Dedmon. The original set of files contained 7 boxes of speeches arranged as Boxes 1-7. In the fall of 2012 files containing the original copies of speeches with annotations and corrections were transferred to the archives and were arranged in boxes 16-32. Duplicates were removed from boxes 1-7, the remaining speeches were consolidated into box 33, and boxes 1-7 were removed from the collection. The collection now begins with Box 8.
Administrative Information
Publication Information
McConnell Library Archives and Special Collections
McConnell LibraryPO Box 6881
Radford, Virginia
Restrictions to access
An appointment for research is required. The collection is open for research. No interlibrary loan.
Accruals Note
Additonal accruals are not expected.
Processing Information
Papers processed by Chelsea Slemp, Kim Moore, Caitlin Johns, and Gene Hyde, 2009-2010
Collection Inventory
Box 1-7: Speeches. After the receipt of the speeches in Boxes 16-32 in the fall of 2012, duplicates were removed from boxes 1-7 and the remaining speeches were consolidated into box 33. The collection now begins with Box 8. |
Box 8: Official Papers |
Folder 1: American Association of University Professors (Radford Chapter) |
Folder 2: Appalachia Educational Library |
Folder 3: Arms Control and Disarmament Agency |
Folder 4: Awards and Recognitions |
Folder 5: Internal Governance Council and Committee Membership List |
Folder 6: Commencement Programs 1972-1973 |
Folder 7: Commencement Programs 1974- 1975 |
Folder 8: Commencement Programs 1976-1978 |
Folder 9: Commencement Programs 1991-1992 |
Folder 10: Commencement Programs 1993-1994 |
Folder 10-A: Inaugural Documents |
Folder 11: New College of Global Studies 1 of 2 |
Folder 12: New College of Global Studies 2 of 2 |
Binder: New College of Global Studies |
Box 16: Documents and Materials Related to Radford's Change from College to University Status |
Folder 1: Publications and Newsletters |
Folder 2: Fact Sheets |
Folder 3: Meeting Plans |
Folder 4: Possible Questions |
Folder 5: Committee Members |
Folder 6: Chronology |
Folder 7: Minutes |
Folder 8: Committee Report |
Folder 9: Board Action |
Folder 10: General Data |
Folder 11: Publicity |
Folder 12: Madison Case |
Folder 13: Madison Bills |
Folder 14: Bills Relating to Radford College |
Folder 15: Homecoming Speech |
Folder 16: Convocation Speech |
Folder 17: Letters of Congratulations |
Folder 18: Rector |
Folder 19: President of Faculty |
Folder 20: Student Govenment Association President and Vice President |
Folder 21: Dedmon-House Thank You |
Folder 22: Former Board Members |
Folder 23: Board Members |
Folder 24: Parents' Association |
Folder 25: Alumni Association |
Folder 26: Faculty |
Folder 27: Students |
Box 9: Official Papers |
Folder 1: Shaner Report |
Folder 2: Shaner Report: Views and Observations of Dr. Dedmon 1 of 4 |
Folder 3: Shaner Report: Views and Observations of Dr. Dedmon 2 of 4 |
Folder 4: Shaner Report: Views and Observations of Dr. Dedmon 3 of 4 |
Folder 5: Shaner Report Views and Observations of Dr. Dedmon 4 of 4 |
Folder 6: Shaner Report: Views and Observations, Rough Draft |
Folder 7: Shaner Report folder 1 of 4 |
Folder 8: Shaner Report folder 2 of 4 |
Folder 9: Shaner Report folder 3 of 4 |
Folder 10: Speeches |
Box 9.5: Official Papers- Shaner Report with Response Notes. |
Box 10: Official Papers |
Folder 1: State Council of Higher Education for Virginia folder 1 of 3 |
Folder 2: State Council of Higher Education for Virginia folder 2 of 3 |
Folder 3: State Council of Higher Education for Virginia folder 3 of 3 |
Folder 4: SCHEV Automated Data Processing Project |
Folder 5: State Council of Higher Education for Virginia, Budget Materials |
Folder 6: SCHEV Committee on Public Affairs |
Folder 7: SCHEV Coordination of Continuing Education |
Folder 8: SCHEV General Professional Advisory Committee, Environmental Quality in Virginia |
Folder 9: SCHEV Statewide Planning in Higher Education |
Folder 10: Virginia Tech, Conference on Higher Education for the Future |
Folder 11: Task Force on Innovation |
Folder 12: Task Force on Internal Governance |
Box 11: Official Papers |
Folder 1: Task Force on Purpose |
Folder 2: Task Force on Internal Governance |
Folder 3: Task Force on Internal Governance- Final Report |
Folder 4: University Center in Virginia (1) |
Folder 4: University Center in Virginia (2) |
Box 12: Western Region Consortium |
Folder 1: Western Region Consortium Meeting: Hotel Roanoke, January 15, 1975 |
Folder 2: Radford College Comprehensive Plan for the Western Region Consortium |
Folder 3: Western Region Consortium's Public Hearing, April 23, 1975 |
Folder 4: Consortium Notes/ Meetings |
Folder 5: VA Western Regional Consortium for Higher Education. |
Folder 6: VA Western Region Consortium for Higher Education |
Box 13: Western Region Consortium |
Folder 1: Western Region Consortium |
Folder 2: Western Region Consortium, November 22, 1977 |
Folder 3: Western Region Consortium for Continuing Education |
Folder 4: Western Region Consortium, October 17, 1980, Board & Public Meeting |
Folder 5: Western Region Consortium, May 9, 1984: 10.00 AM |
Folder 6: Western Region Consortium assorted papers |
Folder 7: Western Region Consortium October 26, 1983 |
Folder 8: Western Region Consortium Media Committee |
Folder 9: Western Region Consortium Board of Directors Meeting, April 28, 1982 |
Folder 10: Western Region Consortium April 16, 1986 |
Folder 11: Western Region Consortium assorted papers |
Box 14: Western Region Consortium |
Folder 1: Western Region Consortium, Wednesday, November 1, 1989 |
Folder 2: Western Region Consortium Assorted Papers |
Folder 3: Western Region Consortium September 18, 1990 |
Folder 4: Western Region Consortium Assorted Papers |
Folder 5: Western Region Consortium October 1, 1986 |
Folder 6: Western Region Consortium Assorted Papers |
Folder 7: Western Region Consortium, Tuesday September 29, 1987 |
Folder 8: Western Region Consortium Assorted Papers |
Folder 9: Western Region Consortium |
Box 15: Task Force on Innovation |
Folder 1: Supporting Documents |
Folder 2: Supporting Documents |
Folder 3: Meeting Minutes and Agendas |
Folder 4: Letters from the Committee |
Folder 5: Curriculum Proposals |
Folder 6: Task Force on Purpose |
Folder 7: Suggestions for General Education |
Folder 8: Suggestions for Graduate and Masters Programs |
Folder 9: Suggestions for Teaching Programs |
Folder 10: Suggestions for Library, Audio/Visual |
Folder 11: Suggestions for Department of Business |
Folder 12: Suggestions for History, Sociology, English |
Folder 13: Suggestions for Honors Program |
Folder 14: Suggestions on Accelerated learning |
Folder 15: Suggestions on Physical Ed, Masters Programs |
Folder 16: Suggestions on Associate Degrees |
Folder 17: Suggestions on Semesters, Semester lengths, Summer programs, Credit hours |
Folder 18: Assorted Suggestions |
Box 16: Dedmon Speeches 1985-86 |
Folder 1: Hargrave Military Academy Commencement. May 31, 1986 |
Folder 2: Big South Conference. May 25-27, 1986 |
Folder 3: Commencement. May 10, 1986 |
Folder 4: News Conference for the Institute for International Economic Competitiveness. May 8, 1986 |
Folder 5: Employee Service Awards. May 6, 1986 |
Folder 6: Senior Class Brunch. May 4, 1986 |
Folder 7: Board of Visitors Briefing. April 29, 1986 |
Folder 8: Distinguished Visiting Professor Program News Conference. April 29, 1986 |
Folder 9: Iowa Educational Media Association. April 11, 1986 |
Folder 10: Sadat Collection Gallery. April 7, 1986 |
Folder 11: State Teacher Accreditation Visit. March 19, 1986 |
Folder 12: Radford Night. March 3-6, 1986 |
Folder 13: Black History Month Banquet. February 16, 1986 |
Folder 14: House Appropriations Committee. January 28, 1986 |
Folder 15: House Appropriations Committee. January 20, 1986 |
Folder 16: Southern Association of Colleges and Schools -New Orleans. November 29, 1985 |
Folder 17: Roanoke Valley Association of Life Underwriters. November 15, 1985 |
Folder 18: Speech Communication Association - Denver. November 8, 1985 |
Folder 19: Honors Convocation. October 26, 1985 |
Folder 20: Parents Weekend. October 26, 1985 |
Folder 21: Roanoke Rotary Club. September 26, 1985 |
Folder 22: Lincoln Memorial University. Conversion to the Semester System. September 19, 1985 |
Folder 23: Gallery Opening. September 14, 1985 |
Folder 24: Faculty Convocation. August 30, 1985 |
Folder 25: Athletic Association Dinner. August 29, 1985 |
Folder 26: Board of Visitors Briefing. August 27, 1985 |
Folder 27: Capital Outlay Tour. July 18, 1985 |
Folder 28: Art Gallery Kickoff. June 18, 1985 |
Folder 29: Quest. June 15-27, 1985 |
Box 17: Dedmon Speeches 1984-85 |
Folder 1: Commencement. May 10, 1985 |
Folder 2: Senior Brunch. May 5, 1985 |
Folder 3: Employee Service. May 1, 1985 |
Folder 4: Teacher Education Sub-Committee. April 26, 1985 |
Folder 5: Greek Week Banquet. April 20, 1985 |
Folder 6: Radford Chamber of Commerce. April 18, 1985 |
Folder 7: Radford Night Northern Virginia. March 7, 1985 |
Folder 8: Radford Night Richmond. March 6, 1985 |
Folder 9: Radford Night Tidewater. March 4, 1985 |
Folder 10: Black History AKA. February 28, 1985 |
Folder 11: House Appropriations Committee. January 29, 1985 |
Folder 12: Senate Finance Committee. January 22, 1985 |
Folder 13: Athletic Association. November 27, 1985 |
Folder 14: Speech Communication Association - Chicago. November 1984 |
Folder 15: Association for Communication Administration. Chicago. November,1984 |
Folder 16: Honors Convocation. October 27, 1984 |
Folder 17: Parents Weekend. October 27, 1984 |
Folder 18: State Board of Education. October 25, 1984 |
Folder 19: Homecoming Luncheon and Dinner October 5-6, 1984 |
Folder 20: Statement to Ben Beagle (rescinded) |
Folder 21: Mrs. Dedmon's Speech.- Alpha Sigma Phi Ribbon Cutting Ceremony. September 7, 1984 |
Folder 22: Faculty Convocation. August 31, 1984 |
Folder 23: Resident Director. August 30, 1984 |
Box 18: Dedmon Speeches 1983-84 |
Folder 1: Quest. June 17-26, 1984 |
Folder 2: North Cross Commencement. June 8, 1984 |
Folder 3: Commencement. May 25, 1984 |
Folder 4: Service Awards. May 8, 1984 |
Folder 5: Radford Night. March 1, 1984 |
Folder 6: Testimony to the Senate Education and Health Committee. February 23, 1984 |
Folder 7: House Appropriations Committee. February 15, 1984 |
Folder 8: SCHEV-Statement of Dr. Dedmon. January 30, 1984 |
Folder 9: SCHEV, State Board of Education. December 8, 1983 |
Folder 10: Joint Meeting SCHEV and State Board of Education, State Meeting. December 2, 1983 |
Folder 11: Parents Weekend. October 15, 1983 |
Folder 12: Homecoming. October 1, 1983 |
Folder 13: Whitt Rededication. October 1, 1983 |
Folder 14: Faculty Convocation. September 6, 1983 |
Box 19: Dedmon Speeches 1982-83 |
Folder 1: Residential Life Staff. September 1, 1983 |
Folder 2: Quest. June 19-28, 1983 |
Folder 3: Commencement. May 28, 1983 |
Folder 4: Greek Week Banquet. May 14, 1983 |
Folder 5: Employee Awards. May 10, 1983 |
Folder 6: Asomex Conference. Guadalajara, Mexico. May 4,5,6/83 |
Folder 7: Capital Outlay Request. April 5, 1983 |
Folder 8: Comments for Dorothy Gillespie Reception. March 19, 1983 |
Folder 9: Comments to IFC and Pan Hellenic Groups about Housing. March 18, 1983 |
Folder 10: Communications Seminar Kauai, Hawaii. January 14-24, 1983 |
Folder 11: Public Review of Board Action. November 11, 1982 |
Folder 12: Parents Weekend. October 9, 1982 |
Folder 13: Retirement Dinner. October 7, 1982 |
Folder 14: Homecoming Dinner. October 2, 1982 |
Folder 15: Homecoming Luncheon. October 2, 1982 |
Folder 16: Faculty Convocation. September 7, 1982 |
Folder 17: Resident Assistant and Resident Director Training Workshop. September 2, 1982 |
Folder 18: Quest '82 |
Folder 19: Remarks to the School of Education. June 22, 1982 |
Folder 20: Commencement. May 28, 1982 |
Folder 21: Service Awards. May 11, 1982 |
Folder 22: Ten Years of Progress Celebration. March 20, 1982 |
Folder 23: Senate Finance. March 1, 1982 |
Folder 24: Capital Outlay. February 9, 1982 |
Folder 25: Special Convocation. January 28, 1982 |
Folder 26: Athletic Association Banquet. January 23, 1982 |
Box 20: Dedmon Speeches 1981-82 |
Folder 1: Dedmon Center Opening. December 9, 1981 |
Folder 2: Senate Finance Subcommittee. December 2, 1981 |
Folder 3: Opening of the NCATE Accrediting Visiting Team. December 1, 1981 |
Folder 4: Remarks to the Higher Education Sub-Committee of the House Appropriations Committee. November 23, 1981 |
Folder 5: Internal Governance Workshop- SGA. Oct. 19, 1981 |
Folder 6: Parents Dinner. October 10, 1981 |
Folder 7: Parents Lunch. October 10, 1981 |
Folder 8: Homecoming '81. October 3, 1981 |
Folder 9: Faculty Convocation. September 8, 1981 |
Folder 10: Residential Life Workshop. September 4, 1981 |
Folder 11: Roof Raising. June 26, 1981 |
Folder 12: Quest '81 |
Folder 13: Commencement. May 23, 1981 |
Folder 14: First and Merchants National Bank of Radford Committee to Study Merger |
Folder 15: Service Awards. May 12, 1981 |
Folder 16: Governor's Capitol Budget Site Visit. May 12, 1981 |
Folder 17: Alpha Lambda Initiation Ceremony. May 10, 1981 |
Folder 18: President's Cup Dinner. May 9, 1981 |
Folder 19: Emeritus Faculty Recognition Luncheon. May 4, 1981 |
Folder 20: NCATE Accreditation Dinner. March 29, 1981 |
Folder 21: House Appropriations Committee. March 27, 1981 |
Folder 22: Alliance Luncheon. March 24, 1981 |
Box 21: Dedmon Speeches 1979-81 |
Folder 1: Appreciation Night March 14, 1981 |
Folder 2: Parents Weekend Oct. 25 1980 |
Folder 3: Homecoming '80 Dinner, Oct. 4 1980 |
Folder 4: Homecoming '80 Oct. 3-5 |
Folder 5: Faculty Convocation Sept. 8, 1980 |
Folder 6: Remarks- Faculty Reception Sept. 6, 1980 |
Folder 7: Residential Life Staff September 5, 1980 |
Folder 8: Student Government Association. Sept. 5, 1980 |
Folder 9: Residential Life Sept. 5, 1980 |
Folder 10: Athletic Association August 22, 1980 |
Folder 11: Quest '80 |
Folder 12: Commencement 5/23/80 |
Folder 13: Awards Dinner 5/20/80 |
Folder 14: High School Counselors Workshop 4-15-80 |
Folder 15: Boy Scout Awards April 12, 1980 |
Folder 16: Apprecaition Night March 14, 1980 |
Folder 17: F&M Stockholders 2/13/80 |
Folder 18: Tartan Social Dinner 2/7/80 |
Folder 19: Birthday Party Remarks 6/30/79 |
Folder 20: Parents Weekend 10/27/79 |
Folder 21: Southwest Missouri State University Homecoming 10/20/79 |
Folder 22: Student Teacher Convocation Oct. 12, 1979 |
Folder 23: Homecoming Buffet 10/6/79 |
Folder 24: Homecoming Luncheon 10/6/79 |
Folder 25: New Student Orientation Sept. 5, 1979 |
Folder 26: New Student Orientation Sept. 4, 1979 |
Folder 27: Black Student Orientation Sept. 4, 1979 |
Folder 28: Faculty Convocation Sept. 4, 1979 |
Folder 29: Resident Assistant Workshop Sept. 3, 1979 |
Box 22: Dedmon Speeches 1977-79 |
Folder 1: Tartan Banquet August 24, 1979 |
Folder 2: Recreation Complex Grn. Bk. June 7, 1979 |
Folder 3: Commencement May 26. 1979 |
Folder 4: Awards Dinner May 22, 1979 |
Folder 5: Rowdy Red Banquet May 26, 1979 |
Folder 6: Governor's Tour May 16, 1979 |
Folder 7: State Council of Higher Education May 1, 1979 |
Folder 8: Athletic Banquet May 10,1979 |
Folder 9: Student Affairs Admin. April 19, 1979 |
Folder 10: High School Counselor April 16, 1979 |
Folder 11: Men's Basketball Banquet March 28, 1979 |
Folder 12: Career Day Lunch March 12, 1979 |
Folder 13: Presentation of Radford Rowdy T-Shirts February 14, 1979 |
Folder 14: Tartan Banquet |
Folder 15: House Education Committee. January 18, 1979 |
Folder 16: 10/26 Statement of Name Change. Press Release. October 26, 1978 |
Folder 17: Parents Weekend '78 |
Folder 18: Homecoming 1978 |
Folder 19: Outstanding Alumus |
Folder 20: Financial Aid Administration September 28, 1978 |
Folder 21: Resident Directors and Resident Assistants. Remarks. September 12, 1978 |
Folder 22: New Student Orientation September 5, 1978 |
Folder 23: Black Student Orientation September 5, 1978 |
Folder 24: Faculty Convocation September 5, 1978 |
Folder 25: Athletic Banquet And Social August 18, 1978 |
Folder 26: Spring Commencement May 26, 1978 |
Folder 27: Intercollegiate Athletic May 17, 1978 |
Folder 28: Statement by Donald Dedmon and Arthur Lane April 28, 1978 |
Folder 29: Donald Dedmon-Cindy Skove. Interview March 15, 1978 |
Folder 30: Washington Area Alumni April 15, 1978 |
Folder 31: Alumni Board Meeting Saturday, March 11 |
Folder 32: Hearing, House Appropriations. Committee Tuesday, Feb. 7, 1978 |
Folder 33: Appreciation Party for the Daltons. December 8, 1977 |
Folder 34: Dinner With the President Saturday Oct. 29, 1977 |
Folder 35: Southern Conference on Institutional Research Oct. 27, 1977 |
Folder 36: United Fund Kick Off Oct. 10, 1977 |
Folder 37: Homecoming/Dinner Oct. 1, 1977 |
Folder 38: Homecoming/Luncheon Oct. 1, 1977 |
Box 23: Dedmon Speeches 1975-77 |
Folder 1: New Students Orientation September 6, 1977 |
Folder 2: Faculty - Staff Convocation September, 1977 |
Folder 3: Highlander and Tartan Club August 17, 1977 |
Folder 4: Commencement Remarks August, 1977 |
Folder 5: Virginia Western Community Commencement - June 15, 1977 |
Folder 6: Tau Kappa Epsilon May 21, 1977 |
Folder 7: Capping May 18, 1977 |
Folder 8: Athletic Awards 1977 May 19, 1977 |
Folder 9: Meeting of Institutional Research Directors. April 22, 1977 |
Folder 10: Comparative Management Class Talk (Daniel Lockhart). April 7, 1977 |
Folder 11: Virginia Home Economics Convention. Roanoke, Virginia. March 29, 1977 |
Folder 12: Association of Virginia Colleges/Panel Presentation. March 30, 1977 |
Folder 13: Hilton Village Woman's Club of Newport News. Feb. 18, 1977 |
Folder 14: Comments to Fiscal Exigency Committee Dec. 9, 1976 |
Folder 15: Parents Weekend 10-15, 16, 17-76 |
Folder 16: Homecoming 10-2-76 |
Folder 17: Students Sept. 6, 1976 |
Folder 18: Virginia Federation of Women's Clubs. May 4, 1976 |
Folder 19: Band Symposium Feb. 14, 1976 |
Folder 20: House Appropriations Committee. Feb. 2, 1976 |
Folder 21: 49th Annual Meeting of VHA - Williamsburg, Virginia. November 6-7, 1975 |
Folder 22: Governor's Budget Advisory Committee. Oct. 21, 1975 |
Folder 23: Homecoming and Parents Weekend Remarks. Oct. 25, 1975 |
Folder 24: Remarks to the Alumni. Homecoming and Parents Weekend. Oct. 25, 1975 |
Folder 25: New Student Convocation. Sept. 4, 1975 |
Folder 26: Comments to the Faculty. Sept. 3, 1975 |
Folder 27: Comments to the Resident Halls Staff. August 31, 1975 |
Folder 28: Statement Regarding Action by the Radford College Boarf of Visitors. August 12, 1975 |
Folder 29: Holston Conference - June 11, 1975 |
Folder 30: The First Intercollegiate Athletics Awards Banquet May 20, 1975 |
Folder 31: Statement Regarding Action by the Radford College Board of Visitors. May 13, 1975 |
Box 24: Dedmon Speeches 1973-75 |
Folder 1: Banquet Honoring Students Named to Who's Who. April 16, 1975 |
Folder 2: Tri Sgma State Day. March 22, 1975 |
Folder 3: Radford College Foundation Kickoff Drive- March 20, 1975 |
Folder 4: Winter Quarter Commencement. March 20, 1975 |
Folder 5: Council Briefing on Admissions, Limiting Enrollments, and Housing Policies. November 12, 1974 |
Folder 6: New Student Convocation. September 4, 1974 |
Folder 7: Speech to Faculty and Staff. September 4, 1974 |
Folder 8: Journalism Workshop. August 14, 1974 |
Folder 9: Lee High School Commencement. Springfield, Virginia. June 9, 1974 |
Folder 10: Carrol County Commencement. Hillsville, Virginia. June 7, 1974 |
Folder 11: Roanoke Kiwanis Club. Roanoke, Virginia. May 29, 1974 |
Folder 12: Galax Rotary Club. May 17, 1974 |
Folder 13: Madison College Commencement. May 11, 1974 |
Folder 14: Kiwanis Club of Radford. May 8, 1974 |
Folder 15: Remarks to SCHEV (Campus Visit) May 6, 1974 |
Folder 16: "The Year that Was". May 4, 1974 |
Folder 17: Budget Hearing. February 7, 1974 |
Folder 18: Merger Hearing. January 31, '74 |
Folder 19: Phi Sigma Kappa Banquet. Jan. 26, 1974 |
Folder 20: Introduction to Governor Linwood Holton at Fall Commencement. Nov. 20, 1973 |
Folder 21: Remarks Concerning Fall Term Enrollment. Fall 1973 |
Folder 22: Remarks Made at the Official Opening of Porterfield Hall. November 1, 1973 |
Folder 23: Faculty Meeting. October 23, 1973 |
Folder 24: Alumni Luncheon Remarks. October 12, 1973 |
Folder 25: Budget Hearing Remarks. October 8, 1973 |
Folder 26: Remarks to the Commission on Higher Education. Oct. 2, 1973 |
Folder 27: Statement to New Students. September 4, 1973 |
Folder 28: Annual Civic Club Banquet. September 1973 |
Folder 29: Statement to Faculty. Radford College. September 1973 |
Folder 30: Welcome - Journalism Workshop. August 15, 1973 |
Folder 31: Virginia Girls' State. June 22, 1973 |
Folder 32: Commencement Exercises. Chesapeake High School. Chesapeake, Ohio. May 27, 1973 |
Folder 33: Budget Advisory Board. May 16, 1973 |
Folder 34: Senior Investiture Service. May 16, 1973 |
Folder 35: Budget Review. April 16, 1973 |
Folder 36: Pulaski and Radford Rotary Clubs. April 2 and 10, 1973 |
Box 25: Dedmon Speeches 1972-73 |
Folder 1: Washington Area Alumni Association. March 31, 1973 |
Folder 2: Junior League of Roanoke Valley. March 20, 1973 |
Folder 3: District 6- Regional Chorus. Welcoming Remarks. February 16, 17, 18, 1973 |
Folder 4: Virginia Association of Student Personnel Administrators. December 4, 1972 |
Folder 5: Luncheon Following Presidential Convocation. November 16, 1972 |
Folder 6: Kiwanis Club of Roanoke. October 25, 1972 |
Folder 7: Hearing - Committee on Higher Education. Oct. 23, 1972 |
Folder 8: Comments on Enrollment. October 1972 |
Folder 9: Welcome Comments- District M, Virginia Education Association. October 6, 1972 |
Folder 10: Annual Civic Dinner of Radford College. September 14, 1972 |
Folder 11: Convocation III. September 21, 1972 |
Folder 12: Convocation No. II. September 19, 1972 |
Folder 13: Convocation No. I. September 13, 1972 |
Folder 14: Welcome Comments- New Students, Freshmen, and Transfers. September 11, 1972 |
Folder 15: Kiwanis Club of Radford. August 30, 1972 |
Folder 16: Pre-school Conference. August 15, 21, 23, 1972 |
Folder 17: New Departmental Chairmen Meeting. July 28, 1972 |
Folder 18: Graduation Ceremony Girls State. June 16, 1972 |
Folder 19: Coeducation Statement. June 8, 1972 |
Folder 20: Senior Investiture Service. May 10, 1972 |
Folder 21: Remarks after May Board Meeting. May 9, 1972 |
Folder 22: Alumnae Luncheon. April 29, 1972 |
Folder 23: Comments upon Receiving Civic Achievement Award. Huntington, West Virginia. April 29, 1972 |
Folder 24: Annual Panhellenic Dinner. April 13, 1972 |
Folder 25: First Convocation. March 23, 1972 |
Folder 26: Radford Rotary Club. March 21, 1972 |
Folder 27: First Talk on Campus. Feb 3, 1972 |
Box 26: Dedmon Speeches 1994/1993 |
Folder 1: Commencement. May 7, 1994 |
Folder 2: Board of Visitors Briefing. May 6, 1994 |
Folder 3: Board of Visitors Briefing. February 25, 1994 |
Folder 4: Radford Night. February 15-16, 1994 |
Folder 5: House Appropriations Committee. January 13, 1994 |
Folder 6: Board of Visitors Briefing. November 30, 1993 |
Folder 7: Senate Finance Subcommittee. November 19, 1993 |
Folder 8: Parents Weekend. November 5-7, 1993 |
Folder 9: Richard Hough Exhibit Comments. October 29, 1993 |
Folder 10: New Century Council Meeting. October 27, 1993 |
Folder 11: Radford Night. October 5-6, 1993 |
Folder 12: Homecoming. October 1, 1993 |
Folder 13: Board of Visitors Briefing. August 31, 1993 |
Folder 14: Convocation. August 20, 1993 |
Folder 15: Athletic Association Dinner. August 19, 1993 |
Folder 16: Quest. June 18-27, 1993 |
Folder 17: Athletic Tip-Off Lunch. May 27, 1993 |
Folder 18: Commencement. May 1, 1993 |
Folder 19: Board of Visitors Briefing. April 30, 1993 |
Folder 20: Statement to the Board of Visitors on Tuition Increase. April 30, 1993 |
Folder 21: Discussion of New College of Global Studies. SCHEV. April 13, 1993 |
Folder 22: SACS Accreditation Remarks. March 29, 1993 |
Folder 23: Welcome Comments to the SACS Accreditaion Committee. March 28, 1993 |
Folder 24: Employee Service Awards Banquet. March 24, 1993 |
Folder 25: McConnell Library Addition Groundbreaking Ceremony. February 26, 1993 |
Folder 26: Radford Night. February 15, 1993 |
Folder 27: House Appropriations Committee. January 19, 1993 |
Folder 28: Convocation. January 15, 1993 |
Box 27: Dedmon Speeches 1992 |
Folder 1: Parents Weekend. October 30-31, 1992 |
Folder 2: Honolulu Rotary Club. November 3, 1992 |
Folder 3: Kailua-Kona Rotary Club. October 29, 1992 |
Folder 4: Board of Visitors Briefing. October 15, 1992 |
Folder 5: Convocation 8/21/92 |
Folder 6: Board of Visitors Briefing. August 21, 1992 |
Folder 7: Athletic Association Dinner. August 20, 1992 |
Folder 8: Quest '92. June 16-26, 1992 |
Folder 9: Global Perspective Conference. May 12, 1992 |
Folder 10: Marshall University Commencement. May 9, 1992 |
Folder 11: Commencement. May 2, 1992 |
Folder 12: Board of Visitors Briefing. May 1, 1992 |
Folder 13: Statement on Tuition Increase 5/1/92 |
Folder 14: Faculty Retirement Reception 4/21/92 |
Folder 15: Outstanding Student Athlete Banquet. April 9, 1992 |
Folder 16: Employee Service Awards. March 17, 1992 |
Folder 17: Memorial Service Thomas Hamlett. March 1, 1992 |
Folder 18: Board Briefing. February 28, 1992 |
Folder 19: Radford Night. February 17-20, 1992 |
Folder 20: Arts Society Dinner. January 25, 1992 |
Box 28: Dedmon Speeches 1991 |
Folder 1: Board of Visitors Briefing. November 22, 1991 |
Folder 2: Budget Reversion Statement. November 21, 1991 |
Folder 3: Memorial Service for Dr. Eggleston. October 21, 1991 |
Folder 4: Parents Weekend. October 11-12, 1991 |
Folder 5: Capital Request Hearing. October 8, 1991 |
Folder 6: Dalton Hall Dedication. September 28, 1991 |
Folder 7: Homecoming. September 28, 1991 |
Folder 8: Foundation Awards. September 27, 1991 |
Folder 9: Virginia Speech Communication Association Award. September 21, 1991 |
Folder 10: Board of Visitors Briefing. August 30, 1991 |
Folder 11: Convocation. August 23, 1991 |
Folder 12: Athletic Association Dinner. August 22, 1991 |
Folder 13: St. Albans 75th Anniversary Dinner. August 2, 1991 |
Folder 14: Quest. June 18-29, 1991 |
Folder 15: Commencement. May 11, 1991 |
Folder 16: Remarks at A. Victor Thomas Endowed Scholarship Dinner. May 10, 1991 |
Folder 17: Board of Visitors Briefing. May 10, 1991 |
Folder 18: Employee Service Awards Banquet. April 11, 1991 |
Folder 19: Gordon Davies Intro. (IIEC Conf). April 5, 1991 |
Folder 20: Board of Visitors Briefing. March 5, 1991 |
Folder 21: Radford Night. February 18-21, 1991 |
Folder 22: Speech to Education Faculty re: NCATE. January 24, 1991 |
Box 29: Dedmon Speeches 1990 |
Folder 1: Martin Hall Dedication. December 17, 1990 |
Folder 2: Board of Visitors Briefing. November 13, 1990 |
Folder 3: Arts Society Inaugural Dinner. November 12, 1990 |
Folder 4: Parents Weekend Dinner. October 19, 1990 |
Folder 5: Parents Weekend Dinner. October 20, 1990 |
Folder 6: Parents Weekend Brunch. October 20, 1990 |
Folder 7: Foreign Language Conference Banquet. October 12, 1990 |
Folder 8: Faculty Meeting Remarks. October 3, 1990 |
Folder 9: Alumni Awards. September 29, 1990 |
Folder 10: Homecoming. September 29, 1990 |
Folder 11: Sculpture Court Dedication. September 29, 1990 |
Folder 12: Foundation Scholarship Awards Dinner. September, 28 1990 |
Folder 13: Board of Visitors Briefing. August 29, 1990 |
Folder 14: Convocation. August 24, 1990 |
Folder 15: Athletic Association Dinner. August 23, 1990 |
Folder 16: Council of Presidents Retirement Dinner for Dr. Edmund F. Ackell. June 25, 1990 |
Folder 17: Quest. June 20- 30, 1990 |
Folder 18: Commencement. April 28, 1990 |
Folder 19: Board of Visitors Briefing. April 27, 1990 |
Folder 20: Greek Week Banquet. April 8, 1990 |
Folder 21: Employee Service Awards Banquet. March 21, 1990 |
Folder 22: Radford Night Springfield, Virginia. February 22, 1990 |
Folder 23: Radford Night Va. Beach, Virginia. February 20, 1990 |
Folder 24: Radford Night Richmond, Virginia. February 19, 1990 |
Folder 25: Board of Visitors Briefing. February 9, 1990 |
Folder 26: House Appropriations Higher Education Subcommittee. January 22, 1990 |
Box 30: Dedmon Speeches 1989 |
Folder 1: Board of Visitors Briefing. December 1, 1989 |
Folder 2: Press Briefing -- New College of Global Studies. December 1, 1989 |
Folder 3: Dalton Family Dinner Video Presentation. November 18, 1989 |
Folder 4: Alternatives '89 Conference- Presidents' Forum. October 24, 1989 |
Folder 5: Parents Weekend. October 20-21, 1989 |
Folder 6: Alumni Awards. September 30, 1989 |
Folder 7: Foundation Scholarship Luncheon. September 29, 1989 |
Folder 8: Council of Presidents Presentation. September 24, 1989 |
Folder 9: Board of Visitors Briefing. September 1, 1989 |
Folder 10: Convocation. August 25, 1989 |
Folder 11: Athletic Association Dinner. August 24, 1989 |
Folder 12: University of the 21st Century. August 21, 1989 |
Folder 13: Quest 1989 |
Folder 14: Commencement 1989 |
Folder 15: Board. of Visitors Briefing. April 21, 1989 |
Folder 16: Employee Service Awards. April 18, 1989 |
Folder 17: Board Briefing NCGS Concept Paper. March 20, 1989 |
Folder 18: Dalton Eminent Scholars Campaign Luncheon. February 26, 1989 |
Folder 19: Radford Night Springfield, Virginia. February 23, 1989 |
Folder 20: Radford Night Va. Beach. February 21, 1989 |
Folder 21: Radford Night Richmond, Virginia. February 20, 1989 |
Folder 22: Board of Visitors Briefing. JAnuary 17, 1989 |
Folder 23: Prayer at Commencement. January 17, 1989 |
Folder 24: Intro. of Dr. Donald J. Finley to the Association of Virginia Colleges. January 24, 1989 |
Folder 25: House Appropriations Higher Education SubCommittee. JAnuary 23, 1989 |
Box 31: Dedmon Speeches 1987-88 |
Folder 1: Dalton Eminent Scholars Dinner. November 29, 1988 |
Folder 2: Board of Visitors Briefing. November 11, 1989 |
Folder 3: News Conference - Maya Angelou. November 11, 1988 |
Folder 4: Davis Hall Dedication. November 10, 1988 |
Folder 5: Basketball Tip-Off. November 6-7, 1988 |
Folder 6: Parents Weekend. October 15-16, 1988 |
Folder 7: Homecoming. September 24, 1988 |
Folder 8: Board of Visitors. September 1, 1988 |
Folder 9: Faculty Convocation. August 26, 1988 |
Folder 10: Athletic Association. September 25, 1988 |
Folder 11: St. Albans Picnic . July 8, 1988 |
Folder 12: Quest 1988 |
Folder 13: Commencement. May 7, 1988 |
Folder 14: Senior Brunch. May 1, 1988 |
Folder 15: Institute for International Economic Competetiveness - Remarks. April 30, 1988 |
Folder 16: Employee Awards. April 22, 1988 |
Folder 17: Board of Visitors Briefing. April 19, 1988 |
Folder 18: Introductory Remarks- Eddy Dalton. April 14, 1988 |
Folder 19: Bill Lavery Dinner March 21, 1988 |
Folder 20: Board of Visitors Briefing. February 19, 1988 |
Folder 21: Evening in DC Mrs. March 12, 1988 |
Folder 22: Radford Night. February 22-25, 1988 |
Folder 23: Petie Lineberry Reception. January 20, 1988 |
Folder 24: Faculty/Staff Convocation. January 12, 1988 |
Folder 25: Big South Tipoff. November 16, 1988 |
Folder 26: Parents Weekend. October 24, 1987 |
Folder 27: Homecoming. October 10, 1987 |
Folder 28: Alumnus Awards. October 10, 1987 |
Folder 29: Board of Visitors Briefing. September 4, 1987 |
Folder 30: Faculty Convocation. August 28, 1987 |
Folder 31: Athletic Association Dinner. August 27, 1987 |
Box 32: Dedmon Speeches 1986-87 |
Folder 1: New Academic Building- Groundbreaking. June 25, 1987 |
Folder 2: Athletic Kickoff. June 18, 1987 |
Folder 3: Quest. June 14-24, 1987 |
Folder 4: Commencement. May 9, 1987 |
Folder 5: Senior Brunch. May 3, 1987 |
Folder 6: Employe Service Awards. April 30, 1987 |
Folder 7: Board of Visitors Briefing. April 24, 1987 |
Folder 8: Secretary of Education and Board of Visitors. April 23, 1987 |
Folder 9: Greek Week Banquet. April 12, 1987 |
Folder 10: SCHEV Meeting on Campus. April 1, 1987 |
Folder 11: Radford Night. March 2-5, 1986 |
Folder 12: Board of Visitors Briefing. February 13, 1987 |
Folder 13: Leadership Workshop. February 11, 1987 |
Folder 14: Senate Finance. January 29, 1987 |
Folder 15: House Appropriations Committee. January 26, 1987 |
Folder 16: Distinguished Visiting Professor Fundraising Dinner- Sadat. December 1, 1986 |
Folder 17: Parents Weekend. October 18, 1986 |
Folder 18: Honors Convocation Banquet. n October 17, 1986 |
Folder 19: Homecoming. October 4, 1986 |
Folder 20: Alumni Appreciation Night. September 18, 1986 |
Folder 21: Board of Visitors. September 5, 1986 |
Folder 22: Faculty Convocation. Augyst 29, 1986 |
Folder 23: Athletic Association. August 28, 1986 |
Folder 24: Quest 1986 |
Box 33: Misc. Dedmon Speeches 1972-1989 |
Folder 1: Special Convocation Remarks. Nov. 16, 1972 |
Folder 2: Welcome Speech w/ Newspaper. Oct. 6, 1972 |
Folder 3: Statement by Dr. Donald Dedmon. July 19, 1977 |
Folder 4: The Sixty Fourth Annual Commencement. May 27, 1977 |
Folder 5: 1977 Atheletic Awards Banquet. May 10, 1977 |
Folder 6: Statement Concerning Possible New School of Fine Arts. February 24/25 1977 |
Folder 7: Statement of Donald Dedmon. Sept. 14, 1976 |
Folder 8: Fall Festival 1976 |
Folder 9: The Sixty Third Annual Commencement. May 28, 1976 |
Folder 10: Speech to Civic Clubs 1975 |
Folder 11: Winter Quarter Commencement 1975 / Memorandum - To All Faculty and Staff. September 25, 1975 |
Folder 12: Classified Orientation 1975 w/Audio Reel |
Folder 13: Statement of Dr. Dedmon at Board of Visitors Briefing. November 12, 1982 |
Folder 14: RU Foundation Award for Excellence in Teaching - Mr. Douglas E. Brinckman. 1982 |
Folder 15: Dedmon Center Dedication Week- Committee Minutes of Meeting. September 21, 1981 |
Folder 16: Commencement. May 25, 1979 |
Folder 17: Program for Counselors Workshop. April 10, 1979 |
Folder 18: Board of Visitors Briefing. February 18, 1986 |
Folder 19: RU Athletic Association Athletic Reception and Dinner. February 1, 1986 |
Folder 20: Roanoke Valley Association of Life Underwriters. November 18, 1985 |
Folder 21: Vital Speeches. Oct. 1, 15, 1983 & Nov. 1, 1984 |
Folder 22: Vital Speeches of the Day. Oct. 25, 1983 |
Folder 23: New Journal - Editorial 1983 |
Folder 24: Statement Released to the Media. Oct. 27, 1983 |
Folder 25: A Crisis in Funding. Oct. 27, 1983 |
Folder 26: Parents Weekend. 1983 |
Folder 27: Comments on Dorothy Gillespie. May 19, 1983 |
Folder 28: Statement of Dr. Dedmon - Regarding 1986-88 Biennial Budget |
Folder 29: Dalton Hall Groundbreaking. August 31, 1989 |
Box 34: University Status Materials |
Folder 1: Publications and Newsletters (University Status) |
Folder 2: Fact Sheets |
Folder 3: Correspondence. Dedmon to Madison Marye dated Sep 13, 1978; Memo from Brown to Dedmon dated Feb 28, 1979. |
Folder 4: Memo. From Wood to Dedmon, dated Sep 18, 1978. Possible questions to ask for an upcoming meeting with Teel, Geisler, and Marye. |
Folder 5: List of Committee Members to Study the Name of the Institution. |
Folder 6: Chronology of Name Change Study. |
Folder 7: Committee To Study The Name Of The Institution. Minutes. Apr 26, 1978; May 1, 1978; May 8, 1978. |
Folder 8: Report of the Committee to Study the Name of the Institution. July 26, 1978. |
Folder 9: Board Action. |
Folder 10: General Data. |
Folder 11: Publicity and Newspaper Clippings. |
Folder 12: Information about James Madison's Name Change |
Folder 13: House Bill No 1655 |
Folder 14: Draft of House Bill to Change Radford College's Name; Sections of the Code of Virginia Senate Bill No. 557; House Bill No, 1207; House Bill No. 1386. |
Folder 15: Handwritten Notes for Homecoming Speech. |
Folder 16: Faculty Convocation Speech- Sep 5, 1978; Letters to elected officials referencing the speech. |
Folder 17: Letters of Congratulations. |
Folder 18: Correspondence. Mostly to Robert Glen, Board of Visitors |
Folder 19: Correspondence. Mostly to Keith Roberts, President of Faculty. |
Folder 20: Correspondence. Mostly to Jonathan Sovoccool, Vice President Student Government Association. |
Folder 21: Correspondence. Thank you note from Dedmon to members of the House Education Committee and their responses. |
Folder 22: Correspondence. Dedmon to former Board of Visitors Members. |
Folder 23: List of Telephone Calls. |
Folder 24: Correspondence. Parents Association. |
Folder 25: Correspondence. Alumni Association. |
Box 35: Donald Dedmon's Gavels |